Notified Zones

Invest in Pakistan Conference 2023

The “Invest in Pakistan Conference 2023,” jointly hosted by USAID and OPEN Silicon Valley, took place in Islamabad on September 10th, where $44 million investment deals were signed. During the event, His Excellency Mr. Donald Blome, the US Ambassador to Pakistan, thanked Special Technology Zones Authority – STZA for granting the ZoneEnterprise (ZE) license to Digirocx (Pvt.) Limited, a US-based technology firm. The honorable ambassador noted this as a first step toward a broader collaboration between the UnitedStates and Pakistan within the technology sector. Ms. Kanwal Bokharey, representing USAID, emphasized the exceptional potential for investment led by the diaspora in Pakistan’s burgeoning technology sector. Considering the substantial investment opportunities in the US technology sector, this development promises to open new doors for partnerships and investment in Pakistan’s rapidly developing knowledge economy sector.